We all receive these videos. They come by on Facebook, friends and colleagues send
them around - I must confess, I can't be bothered to watch
them. Generally speaking, I think we all know deep down what we should and should not do, we do not need a stranger for that. But, since I had nothing pressing to do and a distraction was most welcome I clicked on the link. It was an interview with Elon Musk on space travel.
Damn it was inspiring.
Of course I know of this man and his achievements. Of course I respect immensely what he has achieved. The man is clearly a genius.
What I did not expect was the person who made the man. I was completely moved by his determination and passion. His willingness to pursue a passion even though he knew the odds of success were sometimes stacked significantly out of his favour.
I must admit, I had fallen into a horrible routine lately. The hurdles of life of late had distracted me from my view of the horizon. My vision had become shortsighted. No wonder I was feeling tired and uninspired. I even blamed others for this colourless position I now found myself. How boring and sad was that? How incredibly pathetic and powerless of me to base my own happiness on the actions of others. How did I fall into this state of acceptance?
For certain I could sit here and list the countless reasons on how I ended up here. However, at the end of the day it came down to a decision that I and only I could - and can make.
Why would I choose to live in a way that lacks passion? Why would I let my determination waiver?
During the interview I watched Elon openly share his passion and witness his determination. I also watched him tear up.
That to me is living. I am so grateful for this reminder that I received today. Why the heck would I chose to exist in a zone of complacency and acceptance? That isn't me. But then somehow these days, it was me. Today I am done with it. I think there is more to fear from living a life devoid of passion than avoiding it. Sure passion makes us vulnerable, well, it makes me vulnerable anyway. But it also makes me feel alive, happier, lighter, more authentic - and that to me is well worth the tears along the way.
If you are curious, here is the interview to which I was referring...
...and in keeping with the music theme...