You see, we couldn't get the door open. It just wouldn't work. Not from the inside or the outside. (And yes we were all blonde, and no that wasn't the problem.)
Anyway, as I made my way to work I couldn't help smile. Just a day earlier I had managed to get my arm stuck in what I will vaguely describe as a machine. I had endeavoured to repair the misbehaving 'machine' and it sort of didn't work out very well. I ended up having to call a colleague that hurriedly came to my rescue only to find me on the floor with my arm jammed rather firmly in the said machine.
As I was sharing my morning tale with some colleagues they were both amused and bewildered. "Why does this sort of stuff always happen to you?" asked the friend that had to rescue me from the man eating machine.
In Switzerland we (and I mean me included) tend to behave in a certain way. We are kind of a proper bunch, strange things don't often happen here - in fact, it is something that I have grown to love and appreciate about my Swiss life. People simply aren't getting attacked by machines or leaping out of windows into a strange mans arms. But then I suppose, someone has to be the drama queen...
Ciao for now...
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