Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Epic Bail

I don’t know about you, but I had a perfect Christmas.  And that includes losing my Canadian phone during a spontaneous late-night run up a ski hill and one trip to the emergency room following a spectacular bail with my now dead-to-me-skis. 

This year Christmas brought me an abundance of gifts.  I was able to spend it with those that matter the most to me.  My friends made me feel loved with texts daily from various corners of the world.  I even found new skis under the tree to replace the pair that have attempted to kill me on two separate occasions.  (After the last bail I relegated my equipment to a snow bank and there it shall remain until it finds some other unsuspecting victim.)  But beyond all of the rather traditional Christmas fare was another unanticipated gift.  I have been running on full power for over a year.  I love being busy.  But sometimes one can be too busy and fail to give people and situations the proper time, consideration and reflection that they and it deserve.

The benefit of being around those that love and know you best is that they provide a ‘grounding factor’.  Well, at least for me anyway.  It is kind of akin to hitting reset.

So this year, Christmas gave me much more than the traditional Christmas fare. My epic bail reminded me of the importance of being strong and resilient.  My family and friends showed me that no matter where I happen to be that I am loved and appreciated.  And the pleasure I derive from being able to work in something that challenges and rewards me on so many levels.  Regardless of the physical and emotional bumps and bruises this life throws my way - it’s a pretty awesome life. 

I took my new skis for a run.  It was a bit scary I admit.  The bruises and stitches I still sport are the not so gentle reminders of the vulnerability I have both in life and on the hill.  I am not a terrible skier, but there is certainly room for improvement.  Just like in my life.  For the most part I pretty much have it all.  But as terrifying as it was to face my vulnerability after my bail – it was also pretty exhilarating.  I have been a bit reluctant to pursue some things that I know in my heart I want.  But this Christmas I realized that I have nothing to lose by going after it.  Whether I get it or not is irrelevant.  Just like if I have another monster bail on skis again - you don't know what is possible if you don't get out there and go after it.

(And oh yeah, in case your are wondering someone found my phone :) )

And here we Canadian Avril with Hot.

PS.  Moral of this blog, do a spell check before you post if you happen to sipping your second glass of Shiraz.

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