I feel all warm and fuzzy inside tonight.
Perhaps it is because I am reflecting on the Friday evening BBQ and the wonderful people and rapid fire banter, or maybe the memory of the Saturday afternoon spent at the lake with a fav gal pal and getting trapped in a fountain and laughing until it hurt, or perhaps it was the hot Saturday evening spent dancing the night away, or the the Sunday evening spent chatting and sipping an apero with the girls.
There was also the unavoidable and awkward conversation while swimming in the middle of the lake with someone I normally avoid and the irony of it all making us both laugh and give in to fate.
And then there is the gratitude I feel for the special friend who came back into my life after nearly a years absence.
July has truly been one of the most interesting, fun, wonderful months that I have ever experienced. That said, it hasn't been an easy one, its been a loaded with stress, work, and difficult decisions. As much as I have gained, I have also lost. But in this loss I am warmed by the experience of it all.
Yeah, as I look around, I have to admit, it is a darn good life.